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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2. 

Spring 2, 2024

Art - watercolour

This half-term we have been learning about the artist Van Gogh.We particularly focused on one of his most famous paintings; Starry Night.

We explored Van Gogh's techniques and experimented with both pencil patterns and watercolour paint, creating colour wheels and mixing colours.  We then created our own versions of Starry Night using the techniques we had learnt.

Manor Farm - Victorian Life



We took a trip to Manor Farm to learn all about Victorian life. We had a fantastic day learning all about Victorian households, washing, farming, games, rug making and even had a lesson in the Victorian schoolroom!

Science - Materials

We arrived in our classrooms to discover we had been left a letter by the Easter Bunny himself, asking if we could find the best way to stop Easter eggs melting! We set to work learning all about the properties of different materials and planning our investigations into what we were going to try to help protect the eggs!

Once we had planned our investigation, we carried out our experiments and recorded our findings. Some materials worked very well, and others definitely didn't! We evaluated our findings and thought about what we found worked best and what changes we would make if we were to do it again.

Spring 1, 2024

History - Victorian Schools


In History this term we have been looking at Victorian life, with a focus on Victorian Schools. We had a Victorian-themed school day where we quickly discovered that a school day for Victorian children was very different to our school day today. We decided we much prefer schools today!

Cross - curricular Orienteering

To support and recap our Geography learning about Continents and Oceans last term, we used our map and orienteering skills to navigate our way to different map points where we had to solve questions around our continents and oceans learning. Not only did we have lots of fun, we also got to use all our learning in a different context.

Autumn 2, 2023


We participated in our Modern Foreign Languages Day, which focused on breads from around the world. We worked with Year R and Year 1 for the day exploring this and even made our own loaves of bread!

Zones of Regulation

We have been looking at understanding our feelings and what strategies we can use in order to help regulate our emotions. Each day, we identify how we are feeling, how we can prepare ourselves and others to connect with our emotions and return to our green zone.

PE – Rounders


This term in Games, we are focusing on rounders. The children started off by practising the correct technique to hit the ball with the rounders bat. By placing the ball on top of a large cone enabled them to focus on the correct stance and body position and where on the bat is the best place to make contact with the ball. Other skills the children have been practising are throwing and catching the ball, doing keepy uppies with a ball on a tennis racket and also balancing a ball on a racket whilst moving around the playground. All these skills develop the children’s balance and co-ordination as well as their resilience and determination to succeed!  

HeartSmart - Don't Forget to Let Love In

In our PSHE lessons this term we have been looking at:

  • Love – What does it mean? How can we show love to each other?
  • Special people - Who do we love? Who loves us?
  • Positive and kind words
  • We are all unique
  • What are we thankful for?
  • Taking care of ourselves and each other

Nativity preparations are underway! Photos to follow soon.


A fabulous start to the Christmas period with our Key Stage 1 Nativity!

Year 2 worked extremely hard on their fabulous performances of 'Stable by Starlight', alongside Year R and 1. They shared their brilliant productions with the rest of the school and performed two evening performances to their grown ups!

Well done all and a very Merry Christmas! 

Autumn  1, 2023

Welcome to Year 2! We have had an exciting start to our year.

History - The Great Fire of London

In History, we began the academic year with the wonderful Open Box Theatre Company launching our Great Fire of London topic. The children enjoyed learning about London in the 1600s and also re-enacting different aspects of the event in a fun and engaging way. They came away full of excitement for their brand-new topic and learnt many facts alongside key historical figures such as Samuel Pepys, Thomas Farriner and King Charles II. As you can see by the pictures, the children loved the day. 


We have been learning about chronology and how timelines show the order of events. The children ordered historic timelines and discussed their own.


Art Drawing – Cityscapes

Linking to the Great Fire of London, our Art topic of Cityscapes used the work of illustrator Richard Briggs to engage and excite the children. By looking carefully at his city illustrations, the children could identify how he used tone to draw attention to the line work he drew to make buildings more realistic. The children then began drawing by exploring the use of tone. This was achieved by using a variety of pencils to draw light and dark lines, patterns and shapes. Finally, the children produced their own art piece based on Briggs’s drawings. As you can see, we have some budding young artists in our midst! 



Dance – The Great Fire of London

The children started off practising the key events of the GFOL as a whole class. We discussed how the actions needed to match the mood or feeling at that specific time. They then worked together in small groups to choreograph their own Great Fire of London dance routine. They had to link sections together to make a sequence by thinking about the rhythm and speed of their actions and movements.  


Games – Throwing and catching

During Games lessons this half-term, the children have been practising their throwing and catching skills. The correct techniques for both these skills are vital for success. When throwing, the children used the phrase, ‘step, tick, tock,’ to remind them of the correct method. They also ensured that their opposite foot to the hand they threw with, was in front. They also practised the over-arm throw using both these techniques. The children were also taught when it is best for an under-arm throw and when is it best for over-arm.

For catching, skills of cupping hands, eyes on the ball/beanbag and the correct balanced stance were practised. 

All these skills were taught and practised through a variety of activities such as Bean Bag Rush, Bob Ball, Piggy-in-the middle to name but a few.  


Science – Plants

In Science, our learning has been about the variation and evolution of plants. The children have been observing a bulb grow and discussing what it needs to grow and stay healthy. They have also been completing a diary to record how it grows and changes over a period of time. To observe other species of plants, everyone went on a walk around the school grounds to observe, record and identify them and how they vary between each other depending on the habitat they live in. 






This term, the children are focusing on mini-beasts. They went for a walk around the school grounds using magnifying glasses and nets to explore different species. A variety were found, including: millipedes, worms, woodlouse, ants, snails and butterflies. We were even lucky enough to see a Muntjac! 




As part of our local history and geography learning, we visited Whitchurch Silk Mill. Not only did the children watch how silk was produced, as a mill needs to be next to a river, they were also able to go dipping in the River Test. A variety of nymphs, beetles, larvae and small fish were found. 


This term, we launched our learning about Africa topic by reading One Plastic Bag which explores recycling through the art of weaving. In Art lessons, we studied a famous Weaver (Anni Albers). We used her work to inspire us with our own weaves; we then practised different techniques using materials such as paper and wool. As you can see, not only was it a challenge but we persevered to achieve some wonderful results!



This term, we launched our learning about Africa topic by reading One Plastic Bag which explores recycling through the art of weaving. In Art lessons, we studied a famous Weaver (Anni Albers). We used her work to inspire us with our own weaves; we then practised different techniques using materials such as paper and wool. As you can see, not only was it a challenge but we persevered to achieve some wonderful results!