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Our School Vision and Christian Values

Our vision is "Excellence for All". Through our core Christian values of Love, Hope and Faith, everyone is nurtured and challenged to be the best they can be. These values are shared by the staff, governors and children and affect all that we do and how we do it.  All adults who work in our school mirror our expectations and ethos. 

Our core Christian values underpin the distinctiveness of our school and engender a special sense of community, where everyone is cared for, listened to and appreciated. 

At Overton CE Primary School, we continually strive to improve the provision for our children and to develop strong and caring relationships so they can flourish. Through our values, we develop children's understanding of their role and responsibilities as citizens. Initially looking after each other, then our school, our community and the world. This includes helping children to have courage to stand up for what is right, to make good choices and to appreciate and understand each other's uniqueness. 

As a school, we serve our diverse community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. We are proud to be inclusive and welcome children from all faiths or from families who have no faith.  

Overton CE Primary was founded in 1847 as a Church of England Foundation, and it was granted controlled status under the 1944 Education Act.  Our local church, St. Mary’s retains a strong partnership with the school through the appointment of Foundation governors and its involvement in school daily life.

St Mary's Church Overton


Our Anglican foundation is an integral part of who and how we are at Overton. We embrace the distinctive attributes of the Christian ethos within our school as defined by this statement of Christian faith: Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again. A number of important values, which flow from this statement, govern the Christian ethos of our school.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.                            1 Corinthians 13 v13

Christ has died (love and sacrifice):

Our children need love and care to help them flourish, both as children and as adults. We teach our children to be loving and caring towards everyone in our school community and beyond. In the Bible, Jesus says:

I give you a new command: love each other. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13 v34

and we develop our value of love through: our worship times together, sharing stories of how God and Jesus show love to us; modelling positive interactions and encouragement; supporting those in need, both at school, in our community and in our world. To carry the value of love in our hearts is to understand that

Love is patient and kind, love is eternal and love never gives up.                                                                  1 Corinthians 13 v4-8

There is forgiveness and an opportunity to start again. Consequently, mistakes can be acknowledged without fear.  
Every person is of equal value and importance. Consequently, the school is a welcoming and inclusive community.
Love and compassion and the welfare of others are foundational to all we do. 
Bullying has no place.

School Light Cross

Christ is risen (hope):

Nothing is impossible for God. There is hope for every child and every situation. Children are challenged and encouraged to achieve – whatever the obstacles.   
There is encouragement to try, persevere and to be resilient. 
We are not on our own, encouraging interdependence.

In the Bible, God tells us:


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.                                                        Joshua 1 v9

We develop our value of hope through: supporting our link school, Kibubula Primary in Uganda; never giving up on our children; wanting the best for them academically and in their character; helping them see light despite the darkness; and learning about prayer.

Christ will come again (faith):

Our children need to know that they can have complete trust and confidence in their families and the adults at school who want them to succeed and to be happy. We believe that there is a point and purpose to life and that we can all make a constructive contribution. We nurture the children's aspirations and contributions to our school. We also develop their awareness that we are all accountable for our own actions. Faithfulness is holding to that belief even in the face of challenge or danger. A person who has faith in God chooses to love and obey Him above all else.

In the same way, faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead.                                            James 2v17

We develop our value of faith through: having faith in one another as adults and children listen to each other and develop our school together; prayers in Worship and in class; listening to Bible Stories that encourage us; and sharing the Christian faith with others (Christmas and Easter productions).

Love, hope and faith; these are the essence of the Christian faith and the Christian ethos of a school is found within these three statements. 

Click on the link to see the leaflet “What is a Church of England School?” published by the Diocese of Winchester and the Diocese or Portsmouth.

Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools (SIAMS): May 2024

Please click on the link below to see our SIAMS report from May 2024. The report highlighted our many strengths and we hope you enjoy reading the report as much as we did. 

Overton CE Primary School and St Mary’s 

  • Members of the church lead the school’s collective worship every Wednesday. 
  • The school also recognises the church as a key part of the community, and we hold an annual Easter production, Christmas carol service and Harvest festival in the Church. 
  • The church also provides a rich resource for learning and classes will often visit and listen to speakers at the church about aspects of Christianity and local history as well as using the building itself for invaluable learning on architecture and art work.

              Overton Children outside the church                  Overton Children inside the church

 For more information on the church, click on the link here

Our Community

Overton CE Primary is a community of learners striving for the very best outcomes for children.  We also recognise how we are a part of a local community which includes St Mary’s Church, local residents, Lordsfield Swimming Club, businesses and families.  Our understanding of community is further enhanced and enriched by our much valued link with Kibubula School in Mityana, Uganda.

Events which enable the whole community to come together such as the annual school fête, Sports Day, Harvest Festival and productions at St Mary’s provide an opportunity to celebrate all that is special about the Overton community and the school’s role within it.

Kibubula Primary School

Historically the Anglican Diocese of Winchester has been linked with the old Province of Uganda (now divided into the provinces of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Congo) since 1977.

Some years ago a pattern of partnership was devised so that each Deanery in the Diocese of Winchester is linked with a Province or Diocese stemming from these historic links. Through this, we are linked to the Diocese of Mityana and our link school is Kibubula Primary School in Busunji.  We are very proud of our link.

Update from Kibubula April 2023

Reverend Dodie visited us on 17 April 2023 to share her visit to our link school. She also taught us how to sing "Heads, shoulders, knees and toes" in Luganda! 


Visit to Kibubula: October 2017

Click here for an account of the Head Teacher’s visit to the school in October 2017.

Please click here to view a presentation about the trip and listen to the welcome song!

 “Same but Different” Day: Friday 12th May 2017

On Friday, Overton CE held a “Same but Different” Ugandan themed day.

The aim of the day was to build upon and support our link with our friends in Mityana.  During the day, awareness was further raised about what Mityana is like; remove stereotypical perceptions of Africa; and to look at the similarities and differences we share.

The day also provided an opportunity to fundraise by allowing non-uniform in the colours of the Ugandan flag.  The money raised will further help the aim of Mityana to become self-sufficient.

Well done to all the children, staff and families for supporting us on this day. An amazing £360 was raised.  Thank you.

Visit to Kibubula: February 2016

Mrs Wyeth and four former Overton CE pupils travelled out to Uganda in February for an update on the ongoing projects the community of Overton are supporting.


Edith’s Visit: Summer 2015

The children, staff and the community of Overton were delighted to welcome Edith, a teacher from Kibubula School, to Overton in the summer of 2015. She spent a week here, visiting our school, other partner schools as well as London and Winchester Cathedral.

The week culminated in a tea party for Edith with music and dance provided by our school choir and country dancers.  All members of the community and local church attended to wish Edith a safe return and pass on our thoughts, prayers and love to our friends in Uganda.


Edith presented a gift to Overton CE School from the community of Kibubula.

Our Curriculum Project 2011

In October 2013, Mrs Wyeth visited Kibubula again and helped paint the new teacher’s accommodation. This was part funded by Overton, Mityana Projects (a charity involving the local church St Mary’s) and a commercial company.