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Parent Council


The aim of our Parent Council is to aid and support the existing constructive and productive partnership between the parents and the school.

We recognise that there are areas of the school and aspects of school life at Overton that can frustrate parents at times.  We would prefer that parents come into the school and talk to the staff and the Headteacher on an individual basis. However, in order that their feedback is heard by the school, our Parent Council offers another route for voicing concerns or suggestions.

Matters that the Parent Council will deal with

Any matter that affects the day to day running of the school such as homework, communication, behaviour, school dinners, residential, clubs etc.

Matters that the Parent Council does not deal with

The Parent Council are not in a position to deal with matters regarding the education of the children or their individual progress.

If a parent has a specific problem with a member of staff or a child, they must go to their Class Teacher, Phase Leader or the Headteacher.

If you have any issues or concerns that you do not feel able to approach the school about, please contact one of your Parent Council reps.  

Parent Council Representatives

Due to the low numbers of nominations, Parent Council is not in operation this academic year. Parent views will be canvassed on a topic basis via whole school communication as the need arises.  Nominations will be sought again next academic year 2024 - 2025. 


Parent Representative
1 vacant
2 vacant
3 vacant
4 vacant
5 vacant
6 vacant
7 vacant
8 vacant
9 vacant
10 vacant
11 vacant
12 vacant
13 vacant
14 vacant


Other Members

Mrs Wyeth (Head Teacher)

Mr John Mitchell (CoG)


Parent Council Forms

Please find below paperwork associated with Parent Council

Nomination Letter

Code of Conduct